Our mission is to initiate processes of upholding the values of quality and multicultural music. To Foster appreciation, increasing knowledge and understanding of the music language among young people and the general public in Israel. Thus to influence a better society, which is more tolerant and open to all kinds of people and cultures.
Youth and Music Israel is a non-profit organization. Its objective to bring music and to enrich children, youth and adult audiences through high-quality music.
YM Israel is supported by the Ministry of Culture and was created as a member of Jeunesses Musicales International, a worldwide federation seated in Brussels, encompassing 40 member-states.
Our Vision
YM Israel seeks to improve the quality of cultural life for individuals and general public in Israel, through music. At it’s core, YM Israel stands committed to quality music and art in any style. This commitment by the workers, management, board, artists, teachers, along with volunteers and donors makes YM a united team that works for the common goal.
YM Israel is committed to the best service, personal attention, a listening ear to all applicants while maintaining the ideals of equality and brotherhood.
YM Israel also committed to innovation and continuous updating of goals and the tools to achieve them. To create new initiatives based on needs and our best capabilities.
Our GoalS
To establish a voluntary movement that consists of musicians and music lovers of all ages, which’ll enhance awareness of aesthetic values in music. The desire to play and listen to music and recognize the power to foster a creative, multi-cultural dialogue and to promote learning and growth.
To increase audiences in concert halls.
To expand the circle of interest in the music of various ethnic groups and the Arabic sector in Israel, and create synergistic collaborations among them.
To encourage the performance of original Israeli music and to promote it to audience.
To promote music education and musical enrichment in the Israeli society and among local and national government decision makers about funding and resources.
To initiate projects that bring quality music and multicultural music to special populations and disadvantaged areas.
What We Do
Activity currently includes:
150 musical performances by professional artists specifically produced every year for the education system
The Arab-Jewish Orchestra, Nizar Alkhater
Music camps for young musicians and singers
Paul Ben-Haim competition
Project YMC (Young musicians in the community)
And more…
A moment of history
In 1940, at the beginning of World War II, a group of young people founded the Youth Association of Music in Belgium, which was then occupied by the Nazis. The idea was initiated by Marcel Kovliih, the general manager of the philharmonic company in Brussels . The tendency of Kovliih was to bridge nation, religion and race, and being associated with musical activity, he naturally saw the music as the mean for achieving this intention. The founder’s goals were many: to interest the youth for all sections of the population in music and allow them to listen to concerts and to develop their musical tastes, to enrich the vocabulary knowledge of art. Since its establishment, the movement spread to many countries, and today it is approximately 40 countries. Dr. Meir Wiesel, CEO of Youth and Music Israel until 2012, served as president of the International Federation in 1997-1999